Monday, December 1, 2008

Panic Disorder


Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder. It causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror for no reason. You may also feel physical symptoms, such as chest pain, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, and fast heart beat. Panic attacks are discrete episodes of paroxysmal severe anxiety.

A panic attack starts abruptly, reaches maximum intensity within few minutes and lasts for at least several minutes. Panic attacks can happen anytime, anywhere and without warning.

The person lives in fear of another attack and escapes rapidly from the situation where the attack occurred. For some people, fear takes over their lives and they cannot leave their homes.
Panic disorder is more common in women than men.

Sometimes a lot of stress leads to panic attacks. Most people get better with treatment. Therapy can show you how to recognize and change your thinking patterns before they lead to panic. Medicines also help in treating the panic attacks.

Cause: The exact cause is not known. Some of the probable causes are
  • Heredity
  • Stress
  • Cigarette smoking increases the risk of panic attacks.
  • It is believed your body's natural fight-or-flight response to danger is involved. For example, if there is some danger approaching, your body would react instinctively. Heart rate and breathing would speed up as your body readied itself for a life-threatening situation. Many of the same reactions occur in a panic attack. No obvious stressor is present, but something trips body's alarm system.

Signs and Symptoms· Trembling
· Sweating
· Fast heartbeat
· Chest pain
· Breathing difficulty
· Dizziness
· Hot flushes
· Nausea
· Abdominal cramping
· Headache
· Faintness
· Tightness in your throat
· Trouble swallowing
· Fear of death
Other health problems such as an impending heart attack, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or drug withdrawal can cause similar signs and symptoms.
People, who experience panic attacks often are affected by other mental health conditions, including depression, fear etc.
Diagnosis is made on the basis of signs and symptoms, how often they occur and in what situations they occur.
A complete physical examination is carried out by doctor so that your doctor can determine whether health conditions other than panic attacks are the cause of your symptoms.
These other health conditions might or an overactive thyroid or heart disease. If there are no underlying health problems, doctors diagnose panic disorder based on your signs and symptoms and their frequency.
Panic disorder can make people avoid the places where the attacks occurred or leave the house alone. In children, panic attacks can interfere in child's school life.
Panic disorder also increases your risk of depression and suicide.
With medications the prognosis is good and people are eventually able to resume everyday activities.
Homeopathic Management
Homeopathy is highly effective in treating Panic disorder. After administering homeopathic medicines you will experience less panic attacks and later you will realize that you no longer have panic attacks.
Homeopathic medicines correct the imbalance which has taken place in the body mentally and physically. You will experience a feeling of general well being; calmness and your overall energy will improve.

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Molluscum Contagiosum

This is a skin infection which occurs only in human beings. An increased incidence is seen in the patients infected with HIV.

This is a mild viral infection of the skin, characterized by papule (firm bumps) formations on the skin, which resolve spontaneously over a period of several weeks to years.

Causes and risk factors
The causative organism is a kind of the pox virus.
The following factors increase the risk of acquiring the infection:
  • In patients infected with HIV virus.
  • If there is a direct contact with the persons already affected with this infection.
    Genital molluscum can be transmitted by sexual contact with the affected person.
    Any other systemic disorder in which the immune system of the body is hampered.

    Screening and diagnosisThe skin lesions appear after a period of about 14-50 days after coming in contact with the infected person.
  • A rash consisting of shiny, pearly white, waxy, hemispherical papules (eruptions which are elevated from the remaining skin surface) are the classical lesions of molluscum.
  • These papules are dimpled and are filled with a cheesy material.
  • These lesions are multiple and painless.
  • The lesions may appear anywhere on the body sparing the palms and soles; but, face and trunk are most commonly involved.
  • Sexually acquired lesions are seen on the lower abdomen, in the groin, the genitals and on the upper thighs.
    The lesions remain for a period of many weeks to 2 years and then resolve spontaneously.

    Diagnosis:The classical lesions of molluscum themselves are diagnostic of the infection. This can be confirmed by detection of typical pox virus like particles from the lesion, on electron microscopy.

    TreatmentSome lesions may heal spontaneously and require no therapy.

    Homoeopathic treatment
    In homoeopathy, we give constitutional medicines which will not act on the individual lesions; neither will they act only on the infected skin.Infact these medicines act on the patient as a whole, enhance his immunity and help his body to fight against the infection.
    Hence, the infection is removed from its roots.
    As the immunity is increased by our medicines, recurrences are mostly not seen.